My last post came as we were leaving San Miguel de Allende
to return to our home in Oregon and a lot has happened since then. To make a long story short, we came home, sold
our house and everything in it, and are now living full time in San Miguel! The
long story is much more interesting and will be the subject of another bit of
writing, but in the meantime I am going to bring you up to speed with some
posts on what it is like to move to and live in Mexico.
First though, a bit about our departure from Mexico, which
you might say was a bit crazy. I did not get into it at the time, but on our
last day here, Kate took a fall on the cobblestones (a common fate
unfortunately and it gave rise to the term "The Fallen Women of San Miguel"!) and
ended up in the local hospital with a broken wrist.
This was around 2:30 in the
afternoon of the day before we were scheduled to leave, and by 7:00 she was in
the operating room of a Mexican hospital. Now while we were curious about the
quality of the Mexican Health Care System, we were not all that interested in learning about it first hand! What we learned however, is at
least at this hospital, the quality of the care is excellent. Less than five
minutes after arriving at the emergency room, Kate was in triage, in less
than fifteen minutes she was with a doctor headed for x-rays, and in thirty minutes she was scheduled for surgery!
From the
look of it, we already suspected she had broken her wrist, so the diagnosis was
no surprise. The doctors gave us the option of heading back to the US for
surgery with just a splint bandage, but Kate did not look good to travel, so we
decided to proceed.
Our experience so far had been very good. Starting with the
Mexican nurse that checked Kate in (who spoke no English) and due to the swelling
on Kate’s right arm and the drip needle in her left, could not find a place to put
her wrist band but laughed out loud when I suggested her big toe even if she wasn’t
“muerto” (dead) quite yet. Then we saw the
doctor that examined her (more English, great bedside manner), and finally the anesthesiologist
(very good English and very reassuring) who explained how he would administer the anesthetics.
By now, my cell phone was beginning to die and I did not
have my charger with me. Afraid to be without a phone through all this, I
managed to ask the nurse if anyone had a “cargador de teléfono androide” only to
be told they all used iphones, but she would ask around. After a fruitless search
I called a woman we had befriended in town to let her know what had happened and
ask her about a charger. She let me know she not only had a charger, but
a bottle of tequila she would send along as well. Unfortunately, the nurses did
find a charger, and the bottle of tequila was not to be! We were escorted to a
private room while Kate waited for the surgery to begin, and before long she
was wheeled away. By now I was starving, and with little I could do for
the next three hours, I managed to get a bite to eat nearby.
After some anxious time spent watching soap operas on Mexican TV, the
phone in the room finally rang and I was informed the doctor “would like
to talk to me”. This did not sound all that good and I headed downstairs with a
great deal of apprehension. Outside the OR, I could see that the doctors and
nurses were clearly cleaning up post-op, but Kate was nowhere to be seen. This
went on for what seemed like forever, and I was starting to fear the worst! Finally
after enduring this agony for what seemed like forever, the doctor emerged from
the OR and told me the operation had been a great success.

Moments later to my great relief they
wheeled Kate out and took her in for another x-ray. When it
was finished, the doctor asked me to join him and a small group of other
doctors and technicians to examine the x-rays. From the jist of the
conversation in his broken English and my massacred Spanish, I realized he was
actually just showing off his fine work! The titanium plate he had inserted was
perfectly aligned, and the crack in the bones was barely distinguishable. After
a couple pats on the back from me and the other doctors, he wandered down the
hall beaming!
Up in her room, Kate was clearly in need of some sleep, and
with us scheduled to leave for the airport in the morning, I had some packing
to do! With assurances from the doctor she would be good to travel in the
morning, I headed back to our casita, packed our bags, and got some restless
The morning came quickly, and I was soon on my way back to
the hospital with credit card in hand. As our insurance was no good in Mexico,
everything must be paid before leaving, and I was happy that our credit card
was in good enough shape to take the hit! In the end, the whole operation complete
with ER room, x-rays, surgery, and private room came to just over $500.00 more than
our deductible would have been in the US.
We scrambled back to the casita
just in time for our shuttle, and in just over 20 hours since Kate took her
fall, were headed back to the US
for my mothers 90th birthday in Albuquerque. All in all, a thoroughly relaxing
way to end our vacation.
Coming up in Mexico!